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Training Services

As a certified trainer, I take great pride in sharing the neuroscience-based modality of The Havening Techniques® and Jenesis with those looking for a new (or additional) qualification. Becoming a certified practitioner will not only give you the freedom of running your own business and managing your own time, but most importantly, the incredible satisfaction of watching others transform and find their way back!

For more information on any of my training and qualifications, please get in touch. or download the brochure for the next training!

'I just wanted to say 'thank you' for the introduction to your Soma work.  I do a lot of this sort of thing myself and have done for years, but the clarity and magic of the way you do it is amazing.' FD Sept 2023  
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Official Havening Techniques® Certified
2-day Practitioner Training

This training is ideal for either personal or professional use. Particularly therapists and professionals working in physical or mental health, well-being and personal development, education and other care facilities, establishments and institutions. 

Especially beneficial for first responders, emergency services (police, fire service, ambulance staff, paramedics, nurses, doctors), psychologists, counsellors, hypnotherapists, coaches and NLP practitioners, EMDR, EFT, Tapping and any other psychosensory techniques.

Havening Techniques Training's online and Live in London UK
